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Conference & Meetings

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Conference & events in Karlskrona

Our magnificent conference facilities include a grand turn-of-the-century banquet hall with period cut-glass chandeliers. The largest of our four conference venues seats up to 225 participants and is perfectly suited for private functions and events such as fashion shows.

At First Hotel Statt we have full- and half-day conference offers or conference packages with overnight stay. Contact us and we'll help you customise your meeting or conference in central Karlskrona.

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  • the big hall

    Stora salen

    225 people

    Capacity Stora salen:

    • Size - 225 m²
    • Auditorium style - 225 people
    • Classroom style - 100 people
    • U-table - 56 people
    • Boardroom - 130 people
  • conference room


    38 people

    Capacity Korvetten:

    • Size - 47 m²
    • Auditorium style - 38 people
    • Classroom style - 22 people
    • U-table - 20 people
    • Boardroom - 20 people
  • Ankaret

    25 people

    Capacity Ankaret:

    • Size - 34 m²
    • Auditorium style - 25 people
    • Classroom style - 15 people
    • U-table - 14 people
    • Boardroom - 16 people