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When booking more than six rooms, please contact the hotel directly. Special booking terms may apply.

Visit Lidköping and stay at Hotell Rådhuset

  • Visit Lidköping and stay a Hotell Rådhuset - First Partner Collection in the city center. From the hotel you have short way to explore attractions and sights like Rörstrand Center including, shops, museum and café, Läckö Castle and Kinnekulle.

    Hotell Rådhuset is located at Stora Torget in central Lidköping and offer comfortable and tastefully decorated rooms. Complimentary breakfast and free WiFi are always included when you stay at our hotel in Lidköping.

Our hotels in Lidköping

  • Standard Double Room. Photo.
    Nya Stadens Torg 8, 531 31 Lidköping
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    Hotell Rådhuset – First Partner Collection is a family-owned hotel located at Stora Torget in central Lidköping. Here you are welcomed by a warm and personal atmosphere and to comfortable and tastefully decorated rooms. In the lobby, you can relax with a cup of coffee or tea with cake, read the day’s newspaper or enjoy a luxurious sandwich served in the evening.

    Around the corner from the hotel you will find restaurants, cafés, shopping, cultural experiences and the Rörstrands Center...